Editing and ghostwriting services for crime fiction authors.

6 Simple Steps To Working With a Freelance Editor

How do authors work with a freelance manuscript editor? 6 Simple Steps To Working With a Freelance Editor explains how to work with myself – C. L. Jennison Editorial – to ensure your crime fiction manuscript receives a methodical, thorough, professional line edit.

Six Simple Steps To Working With a Freelance Editor

1) Request your free sample edit

A sample edit is crucial for you as an author and me as an editor. A sample edit shows you the value I can potentially add to your manuscript and helps me assess the level of editing needed to make that difference.

To request your sample edit, email either your whole manuscript or 1,000 words of your choosing, on a Word document, to cljennisonbooks@gmail.com. If you send 1,000 words only, please also include the title of your novel and the total word count for the whole book. I will edit the sample using the Track Changes function and return it to you within 3 working days. When I return it, I will recommend the level of editing required based on the main corrections and suggestions made within the sample. I will also confirm the total cost and timeframe for the edit based on the total word count of the book, as well as my availability. These may be subject to change should the word count increase or decrease significantly by the time you are ready for the edit.

(I am usually booked up 2-3 months in advance but I can sometimes accommodate projects at shorter notice depending on their length and my schedule.)

2) Review your sample edit

The next step is for you to review your sample edit and decide whether you feel my editing service is the right fit for you, and if the total cost quoted is within your budget. Only you know whether my edits align with your hope for your book, and if they will finesse it to the standard you desire. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need – editing is an investment and it is important to me that you feel you are getting a valuable service!

3) Book an editing slot

Once you have reviewed the sample, the cost of the edit and the answers to any questions you have asked, you will know if you want to go ahead and book an editing slot. If you do, simply confirm by email. A 10% deposit will be required to secure a slot in my schedule and I offer a variety of payment plans for the balance. I will send you an invoice and a standard editing contract by return, as well as confirm exact start and finish dates for the edit and the payment schedule we have agreed. Your slot is reserved as soon as you have paid the deposit and returned the signed contract!

4) Before the edit

I will contact you 1-2 weeks before your editing slot to reconfirm all the details. Please email the final version of your manuscript, as a Word document, at least a day before your edit is scheduled.

If the word count has increased by more than 3,000 words since the original booking, an additional charge may be made. This is to cover the additional time needed to complete the extra work at short notice. However, if the word count has decreased and I can complete the edit sooner, I will. I do, however, reserve the right to invoice for the original word count due to the short notice of the change and the loss of expected income. Either way, I will communicate all this clearly by sending a revised invoice and confirming whether the editing timeframe will be affected.

5) During the edit

I will carry out the edit as scheduled. You are free to contact me by email throughout the whole process but I do not usually offer phone/Zoom updates during the edit itself. However, you can request these for an additional fee, due to the extra time they involve. I also don’t accept replacement/rewritten sections of the manuscript whilst I am editing the final version you have sent. If I did, it would complicate the editing process and involve extra work, which would incur an extra fee and affect the original timeline of the edit. Therefore, waiting until after the edit before diving into the revision process makes the whole process much smoother!

6) After the edit

Once I have worked through your entire manuscript, I will send two edited versions back to you by email. The ‘messy’ version will show all the changes and corrections within the text as well as my comments and suggestions. The other ‘clean’ version will have the in-text changes and corrections accepted and just show comments/suggestions in the right hand margin of the document. It is your choice which version to revise, and which suggestions to accept or reject, however, I do recommend working on the ‘clean’ version. I will attach your final invoice with the email, unless you have already paid in full.

Download your FREE novel editing checklist
Download your FREE novel editing checklist!

And that’s 6 Simple Steps To Working With a Freelance Editor! I have also answered a few frequently asked questions below.

Frequently asked questions

Q. How much does your manuscript editing service cost?

A. The rate for my Between The Lines Edit is £13 per 1,000 words for line editing a complete manuscript (novella or novel). The cost for my Outline Edit is just £99.

Q. Do you edit individual chapters or just whole manuscripts?

A. I primarily edit full, finished manuscripts, but I do offer a separate First Chapter Feedback service for your first chapter, just as the name suggests. A First Chapter Feedback edit costs just £49.

Q. Do you offer book coaching for authors prior to the editing process?

A. No, I do not currently offer book coaching as a service. However, I am always happy to signpost to recommended people and/or resources if I can!

Q. What can I do to get my manuscript in the best shape possible before sending it to an editor?

A. Self editing your own manuscript really helps an editor focus on the story itself rather than its composition. This blog post outlines 15 Essential Checks to Make Before Sending Your Manuscript to Your Editor.

If you have any other questions regarding 6 Simple Steps To Working With a Freelance Editor, please ask in the comments. Alternatively, contact me directly!

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